The purpose of the game is to help the player achieve the ability to free himself from identification and become an observer of his own life.

It is a way of working on oneself that favours the liberation of intuitive faculties, beyond our usual narration and our identifications of role, habits and behaviours, to access a broader vision of our specific way of being in the world and understand the direction of development of our existential awareness.

This game is a microcosm of the Great Game. The content of the seventy-two spaces is the essence of thousands of years of exploration of the Being in the heart of the Hindu tradition. When the participant moves around the squares of the board by rolling a six-sided dice, he begins to observe the patterns of his own existence, developing ever greater clarity in his actions.

The sages who invented this game used the grid to recognize the current state of one's Being, observing which snakes still threatened to bring them down and which arrows could lift them even higher.

Analyzing their inner world in this way, they could realise if they understood what it means not to be subject to attachment and identification, having the opportunity to see their own life as an expression of the macrocosm. At the same time the chart of the game gave them a deeper insight into the principle of Divine Knowledge on which it is based. It was therefore a study of the scriptures and a discovery of the Being at the same time. This is what makes Maha Leela (Gyan Chaupad) unique: the game of Self-Knowledge.

Everyone who has strayed from his origin,
longs for the moment of union.

(Rumi - Masnavi-I Ma'navi)